[7] Encyclopedia Britannica, 1961Edition, Vol. So we are needing to take heed that we not depart from the living God. Those who had grown up and had been thoroughly trained in the religion of the Hebrews, in Judaism, who were used to having a high priest; used to the ceremonies in the temple; used to all of the regalia and the worship of the priesthood. Who are they? In Hebrews 2:17, Jesus had already been mentioned as a merciful and faithful high priest, and it is his "faithfulness" that needed stress here. ", "If we hold our confidence steadfast to the end. Why those long weeks of deathly silence, wherein even some parents speak no loving words of exhortation? Bruce wrote: Bruce might have meant by that comment that a failure to continue means there was no reality to begin with, such being the thesis of Calvinism; but continuity must be viewed as a divinely imposed condition of salvation, upon the fulfillment of which destiny depends. It"s sort of a constant trial where God wants you to come into that fullness of the life in the Spirit and know the victory of the Spirit of God within your life, entering into that rich fullness of the Lord. He said, "All right, because you"re not trusting in Me, you say that you"re afraid if you go in there your children will all be killed, I"ll tell you what. So we see, &c. — The conclusion we draw from the whole is, that they could not enter in because of unbelief — Though afterward they desired it. Because of that heart of unbelief, God was provoked. Both made a marriage with the Gentiles, Moses literally, Christ in a figure, the Gentiles becoming a part of his bride (Numbers 12:1; Ephesians 5:25ff). ); and the apostle John saw an angel "having the seal of the living God" (Revelation 7:2). Respect to such a unity does not contradict the fact of progression in the will of God as he moved to abolish the old covenant and establish the new. And if you"ve got a house, you have to have a builder of the house. While it is said, Today if ye shall hear his voice, Harden not your hearts, as in the provocation. It promises joy, but delivers wretchedness, shame, misery, and remorse. And so Jesus the High Priest of our confession, greater than Moses in that Moses was only a servant in the house. CHAPTER 3 Heb 3:1-19. [15] H. B. Moffatt, The Biblical Illustrator (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House, 1967), p. 287. The deceitfulness of sin extends to every conceivable phase of it. Yes, sin deceives. (1) People have waited long enough already. But God said, "Moses, come here, son. Regarding the word "confidence," its rather broad meaning accentuates the unity of this verse with the statement in Hebrews 3:6, "glorying of our hope." The first miracle of each had a startling resemblance. If so fantastic a beginning could be nullified by ultimate defeat, surely the apparent reasons for it should be of the most definite concern for believers in all ages. Hebrews 3 - Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible . Rather, here is a reference to the spiritual and eternal inheritance of Christians, as contrasted with the mortal and earthly goals of Judaism. [1] Thomas David Parks, The Evidence of God in an Expanding Universe (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1958), p. 74. whose house we are, [the house of Jesus Christ, the building of God, the church, the place where God has chosen to dwell] if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end ( Hebrews 3:6 ). The holy antagonism of God toward all sin is seen in the fact that so extensive and final a penalty was invoked; but also the heavenly mercy and forbearance of God are observed, not only in that forty-year period of his sublime patience with Israel, but in his waiting until they all died of natural causes rather than directly by divine flat. Westcott stated it thus: [3] Brooke Foss Westcott, The Epistle to the Hebrews (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. Now Moses verily was faithful in all his house, as a servant, for a testimony of those things which were to be spoken after ( Hebrews 3:4-5 ); So Moses was faithful; he gave to us the laws of God. Christ was all that Moses was, and more; he was also High Priest. Moses was only a man; Christ was and is both God and man. When this writer was once minister of Central Church of Christ, Houston, Texas, a brother placed his membership with that church one Sunday; and, for the first time, another brother in that same church learned that he had daily worked side by side with that other man for two years in a synthetic rubber plant. HEBREWS. "Is not my word like a fire, saith the Lord; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock into pieces?" The word wherefore immediately leads us back to that which is immediately preceding, and that is the declaration of the superiority of Jesus over the angels. One steals who presumes upon tomorrow; tomorrow belongs to God; "Behold now is the acceptable time; behold now is the day of salvation" (2 Corinthians 6:2). Is warning them to maintain their hope that they have come to in Christ and hold fast that confidence and the rejoicing of hope unto the end. Hebrews, p. 88. I wonder who drew up the designs. They shall not enter into my rest refers to the prohibition by which God refused admittance of Israel to Canaan and immediately loomed in the author's mind as a type of that rest the Hebrew Christians were in danger of forfeiting, a thought that he at once developed and made the basis of the remainder of this second admonition. That Israel deserved to die instantly for their sin appears in the fact that God was ready thus to punish them but yielded to the intercession of Moses (Exodus 32:32). Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of … They"d come out of the bondage of Egypt. The tragic case of that lost generation in the wilderness is of epic proportions. You can"t have a house without a builder. We"re going to perish. When Solomon built the temple, he called it the house of the Lord. Just an awesome reality how God loves to dwell among His people. (7-13) And of necessity of faith in Christ, and of stedfastly following him. "Yes, I am Moses." The rest of this verse is parallel to Hebrews 3:8 to which the reader is referred for notes. Moses' body was buried and saw corruption; Christ's was spared that by means of the resurrection. Moses delivered from physical bondage, Christ from the spiritual bondage of sin. Both were the subjects of a special interposition on the part of God when they died, Moses being buried by God (Deuteronomy 34:6), and Christ being raised from the dead (Mark 16:6). He calls Jesus, "the Apostle and High Priest of our confession.". He went in before God and said, "God, I"ve had it. Therefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, a. (See under Hebrews 3:8). You can"t be serious." "Why did you smite it?" So I swore in my wrath, They shall not enter into my rest ( Hebrews 3:7-11 ). Moses' mission pertained only to Israel, Christ's, ultimately, to the "whole creation" (Mark 16:15). That is significant in that Moses being representative of the law through history, it is interesting to observe the fact that the law, or the works of the law, can never bring you into the place of rest in the Lord. They look to you to understand Me, my attitudes. We have no water. The "generation" mentioned in Hebrews 3:10 is that of the Israelites who provoked God and were prohibited from entering the promised land. Perhaps the words "to the end" are unspecific on purpose in order to cover a range of meanings such as: (1) the end of a particular period of temptation; (2) the end of life; (3) the end of the world; and (4) perhaps even "the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls" (1 Peter 1:9). (3) The difficulty of obedience is only multiplied and compounded by delay. But Christ--was and is faithful ( Hebrews 3:2 ). Both wrought many miracles, signs and wonders. Regarding the possibility of apostasy so forcibly mentioned here, it should be noted that the Bible nowhere authorizes any confidence to the contrary. 1, 2. He built God’s house just as he was commanded to do. Wherefore, holy brethren ( Hebrews 3:1 ). What do the majority say about God, Christ, the church, baptism, the Lord's Supper, Christian living, sobriety, virtue, prayer, and piety? [⇑ See verse text ⇑] This chapter points out that Jesus is a greater example than Moses. It is important for us to notice their failure was the failure of faith. Charles Spurgeon, as quoted in Biblical Illustrator, noted that "When these two deceitful ones lay their heads together to make up a case, there is no wonder if man, like a silly dove, is taken in their net. They would not enter His rest: 11 times in Hebrews chapters 3 and 4, Hebrews speaks of entering rest. Moses gave to the people bread from heaven (Exodus 16:15); Christ gave the people loaves and fishes in the wilderness, a figure of him who is the Bread of Life (John 6:31,49ff). The inauguration of the Law of Moses and that of Christ had this in common: that three thousand souls were involved in each case, three thousand being lost at Sinai, three thousand being saved at Pentecost (Exodus 32:38; Acts 2:38ff). For Moses, a servant in the house bringing them the testimony of God and the law of God, could not lead them into the rest. The same sunshine melts butter and hardens concrete; and the same gospel saves some and destroys others (2 Corinthians 2:12). The Christian Hebrews reproved for their little progress in the knowledge of the gospel. Nowhere else in scripture is the title of "Apostle" applied to Christ, but it certainly fits the office of our Lord as the official messenger from heaven, since the primary meaning of the word is "one sent or commissioned for some important communication"; and although the word "apostle" is not in other places used of Christ, the meaning of it surely is. Jesus, the Son, ruling over the house, the builder of the house. As Paul wrote in Colossians, "These things were all a shadow of things to come. It promises light, but submerges the soul in outer darkness. Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of a heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our confession, even Jesus. 5 “Moses was faithful as a servant in all God’s house,”[ a] Christ Superior to Moses. (2) There may never be a tomorrow for any man. (1-3) And in his superiority to all the holy angels. So there is the prophetic aspect to the writings of Moses that were fulfilled in Jesus. We are of the household of faith. How He Refused Them Admission to the Rest. (5) The impulse to respond or obey may diminish or disappear. (1a) Therefore: who we are in light of the previous paragraphs. was it not with them that had sinned, whose carcasses fell in the wilderness? And yet it all could have been different. Note how delicately the inspired writer defers to the deserved honor of Moses, whom he did not belittle or diminish in any way. [12] Albert Barnes, Notes on the New Testament (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House, 1963), Vol. "No way." The death of Christ is called "an exodus" (founded on Luke 9:31); Christ is the true Passover sacrifice for his people (1 Corinthians 5:7); he is the lamb without blemish and without spot (1 Peter 1:19); Christians during their probation are said to be, like Israel of old, "the church in the wilderness" (Acts 7:38); and, as Bruce pointed out: They do always err in their hearts; but they did not know my ways. was it not with them that sinned, whose bodies fell in the wilderness? You go out and speak to the rock that it might bring forth water." Concerning majorities, people should have the courage of Caleb and Joshua. The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews Commentary by A. R. FAUSSET CHAPTER 3 Hbr 3:1-19.THE SON OF GOD GREATER THAN MOSES, WHEREFORE UNBELIEF TOWARDS HIM WILL INCUR A HEAVIER PUNISHMENT THAN BEFELL UNBELIEVING ISRAEL IN THE WILDERNESS. 4 For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything. Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of … David, as the human instrument through whom the words came, is not mentioned; and thus the author of this epistle takes his place alongside other New Testament writers in making God the author of the Old Testament (2 Peter 1:21). They were saying, "We can"t do it. (2) Some are ashamed of Christ. There are many examples in all languages where such has occurred. Hebrews Chapter 3 - King James Version of The Holy Bible In this chapter the apostle applies what he had said in the chapter foregoing concerning the priesthood of Christ, I. The climate for the proper maintenance of faith is not exclusively produced by, nor does it depend solely upon, external conditions. So he who has built the house is greater than the house itself. Moses gave bread from heaven to sustain physical life, Christ bread from heaven that gives and sustains eternal life. They do always err in their hearts; but they did not know my ways. That lost generation of the Israelites suffered incredible hardships in the wilderness, being subject to the incursions of armed enemies, enduring hunger and thirst and wretchedness, being exposed to the sickening agonies inflicted by poisonous serpents, finding no certain habitation, marching every day of their lives in step with frustration, disease and death. He was a servant and he declared unto us the commandments, and the statutes, and the judgments, the worship, the ordinances, which were all a shadow of Jesus Christ. For this man was counted worthy of more glory than Moses, inasmuch as he who has builded the house has more honor than the house ( Hebrews 3:2-3 ). [11] Charles Haddon Spurgeon, The Biblical Illustrator (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House, 1967), p. 264. Today, if ye shall hear his voice is an appeal for action NOW. And we see that they were not able to enter in because of unbelief. That rest will be deeply detailed in the next chapter. I wonder who drew up the designs." Note the attribution of this Psalm of the Holy Spirit. Every house is built by some man. To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient. "Consider now the Apostle and High Priest of our confession, the Messiah Jesus.". A more detailed study of Moses the type and Jesus the antitype reveals both the similarities and the contrasts. Moses labored in a house he did not build, Christ in the house he built, his own house. They came to Kadesh-Barnea in the beginning. This basic unity of God's heavenly establishment, changed though the covenant was, is attested by the deliberate judgment of mankind in binding both the Old and New Testaments into a single volume to form the Bible. "Harden not your hearts," He said, "as in the day of provocation when your fathers tempted me, proved me, and saw my works forty years. [10] T. Brooks, The Biblical Illustrator (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House, 1967), Hebrews, Vol. Moses did not lead the people into the promised land; Christ does lead the people into glory. (Jeremiah 23:29). As Christ, the Messiah, anointed for the office both of … ", "These things were all a shadow of things to come. If you hear his voice raises the question of how God's voice may be heard today; and following are some suggested answers: (1) the voice of God through the holy scriptures as read or preached; (2) the admonitions of faithful loved ones and friends; (3) through conscience which, however depraved, must inevitably retain some vestiges of regard for duty toward God; (4) through the message of God as revealed by consideration of the creation in the light of reason; (5) through God's providential blessings upon every man; and (6) through the spiritual hunger that rises in every heart and which instinctively reaches for a knowledge of God and longs for his approval. (2) They exaggerated the dangers that confronted them, saying, "The land eateth up the inhabitants thereof" (Numbers 13:32). Throughout this passage (Hebrews 3:2; Hebrews 3:5-6) “His house” must be taken in the sense of the quotation, as the house of God.Whereas Moses was faithful as a servant in this house of God, Christ was faithful as a son set over His Father’s house. Far more dreadful, therefore, was the danger threatening the Hebrew Christians who, if they fell away, stood to suffer the loss of even "all spiritual blessings" that are in Christ. "Oh, come on, Lord. When unbelieving partners are linked with Christians, the daily exhortations are infinitely more difficult, if not impossible; and the loss of the spiritual benefit that would normally accrue from them is tragic, first in the life of the Christian partner, and secondly in the lives of the children. So he was a faithful servant as he testified of those things which were to be spoken after. God just loves dwelling among His people. They had begun so gloriously, led of God himself, seeing their enemies humbled by a series of shocking plagues, crossing the Red Sea on dry land, arming themselves from the wreckage of Pharaoh's drowned army, engaging in the most dramatic instantaneous exodus of all time, overcoming all obstacles, and singing the songs of triumph and victory; how could they have failed after all that? That mortal man should be considered holy is due to the imputation of Christ's righteousness and to their having received the gift of the Holy Spirit subsequent to their being baptized into Christ (Acts 2:38). Thomas was aware of this when he wrote: Thus there devolves upon the believer himself a frightful responsibility for the preservation and development of his own faith; and this coincides with the fact that faith, rather than being exclusively intellectual, also rests upon and flows out of moral considerations of the highest order (John 3:19). The real substance is Jesus. And it was through Moses that the tabernacle was set up and the dimensions and all declared. Unbelief Caused Their Fall. Thus the persons so strongly commanded in this place to "exhort" and the persons to be exhorted can be none other than the Christian membership itself, and that as manifested in their most intimate personal relationships, such as families, congregations, fellow-workers, and close associates of every kind. Jesus, our chief priest. You cannot have an effect without a cause. The most determined atheist, in his tenderest and most thoughtful hours, cannot escape the persuasive eloquence of that argument from design which demands a Designer. Now it is interesting that the figure of the house is used for the congregation of the people of God. And though Moses besought the Lord, the Lord would not let him lead them into the land. What does Hebrews 3:7 mean? I"m cognizant of their need. Here"s the church. They came to the wilderness to the area of Meribah and they cried unto Moses and said, "You"ve brought us out here to die. A three-year-old will ask, "Mommy, who made the cow?" Must I take my rod and smite this rock again to give you water?" And so he"s going to show the superiority of Jesus. We would have been better to have stayed in Egypt. We"re unable to go in." This singles out the principal superiority of Christ over Moses and affords another glimpse of the deity and Godhead of Christ, making Christ to be the builder of the house in which Moses served. In a serious pathetic exhortation that this great high priest, who was discovered to them, might be seriously considered by them (v. 1-6). I sware in my wrath calls attention to God's making an oath; and although mentioned elsewhere by Zacharias (Luke 1:73), Peter (Acts 2:30), and Stephen (Acts 7:17), it is in Hebrews that this fact receives the greatest attention, there being no less than six references to it, the others being Hebrews 3:18; 4:3; 6:13; 6:16; 7:21. Right out of the earth here this thing is; beautiful dormers and stainglasses and the whole thing, just marvelous." B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1967), p. 59. There are many people who have peace with God because they have been delivered from the power of sin from darkness into the kingdom of light, but they don"t have the peace of God. There are also many similarities between the lives of Moses the great Lawgiver of Israel and Jesus Christ the great Lawgiver of all mankind; but the above are far more than enough to establish the truth that Christ was indeed "the Prophet" like unto Moses (Deuteronomy 18:15). In looking over the whole story of the sins of the Israelites, and of God’s dealings with them, one would be apt to fix upon some other causes of their exclusion from Canaan, as the Jews, their posterity, do at this day. Moses appeared with Christ on the mount of transfiguration but was caught away, so that people saw "Jesus only" (Matthew 17:8). Westcott said, "It is used by the Greek writers for firmness under torture; and generally for courageous firmness of character."[13]. They were used to the high priest going in on the Day of Atonement and making atonement for the sins of the people. The Greek margin (English Revised Version (1885)) shows these words to be literally, "if they shall enter into my rest"; but the context demands a translation of such an idiomatic phrase in words that cannot be mistaken. The question rises as to how their defection was applicable to the situation confronting the Christians to whom Hebrews was addressed. Any end whatsoever! The message of the entire Psalm is that people should worship God, but that mere worship, unaccompanied by obedience, will not avail. Who was faithful to him that appointed him, as also Moses was faithful in all of his house. "The heavens declare the glory of God" (Psalms 19:1). First, the man who would wish to continue as a Christian should boldly speak of his faith, glorying in it every day, and seizing every possible chance to extol his love and appreciation of God, the sweetness of service in Christ, and every other joy and benefit of salvation (Hebrews 3:6). One cannot pass this verse without regarding the essential unity of God's children in all ages. Jesus said, "Upon this rock I will build My church." and he who built all things is God. They have not entered into the rest. The overwhelming power of the admonition delivered by the Holy Spirit in this paragraph is seen in the rules, or techniques laid down, by which a truly successful Christian life may be achieved and strengthened. In fact, "confidence" contains the thought of "glorying"; and this is indicated by the translation "in this confidence of glorying" (2 Corinthians 11:17). So Paul is warning them . It is all pointing to Jesus. "Greater is He that is in you than he who is in the world" ( 1 John 4:4 ). It was only in his human nature that the lesser dignity of "Apostle" could be imputed to Christ; because, in his eternal nature, he was equal to God (Philippians 2:6). It"s the only reason I"ve been hanging around." "Lord, that"s been the ambition of my life. [8] Brooke Foss Westcott, op. "No." It feints with the right and devastates with the left. "Oh, please!" In a serious pathetic exhortation that this great high priest, who was discovered to them, might be seriously considered by them (v. 1-6). The whole typical structure of Israel corresponds to many facts and events in Christianity. How may the stony heart be broken? Thus their holiness was not in any sense a consequence of their being born of Jewish parents, a preponderantly Gentile congregation receiving the same designation (1 Thessalonians 5:26, margin). The Jewish system, no less than the Christian, was divine in its origin; and many New Testament passages emphasize the connection of Old Testament references with that new Israel which supplanted the old (1 Corinthians 10:6,11; Romans 15:4; John 5:39; Acts 17:2,3). In this verse, disobedience is made the basis of God's denying Israel the right to enter Canaan, the "rest" spoken of being a reference to their dwelling in that good land, rather than a mention of the sabbath day, the sabbath day, of course, being a rest that they did actually receive and enjoy throughout their whole history. [13] Brooke Foss Westcott, op. c. The first two chapters were mostly about how Jesus Christ is superior to angels. And we see is a transitional phrase which means, "We see in the familiar record of the Pentateuch," or "We see in the details just mentioned." "Sorry, Moses." nay, did not all they that came out of Egypt by Moses? (1) They had a morbid fear of hunger and other looming dangers. Here we have the exhortation towards perseverance. Thus the warning in this place is dramatically intensified by an appeal to the historic disaster that prevented a whole generation from entering Canaan. Christ was rejected and crucified. How many people work side by side without ever knowing if a fellow-worker is even a Christian or not and who for months or years never mention either God or religion, except, perhaps, profanely! The issue isn"t the deliverance from sin, the issue is the entering into the fullness that God has for you. This concept pervades the whole book of Hebrews and makes even the most sacred things on earth the mere copies of things in heaven. Strangely enough, both of these directives lean heavily toward self-help! Nothing but murmuring and griping for forty years. They came to the waters of Meribah, which means strife. Moses did not merely deliver the Judaic system of religion; but, in the sense that the flower is contained in the bud, he delivered the Christian system also, identified in this verse as "those things afterward to be spoken." (4-14) Commentary on Hebrews 1:1-3 (Read Hebrews 1:1-3) The people provoked God earlier in their history, then they came to Kadesh-Barnea. So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief ( Hebrews 3:15-19 ). You"d say, "You"re crazy, man." On the other hand, it must be aided by and controlled by the attitude of the believer himself, who has the power to further and strengthen his own faith by a constant, bold, and optimistic proclamation of it. (5) The most important and all-encompassing reason for their failure was their unbelief, a condition bluntly noted in Hebrews 3:19 and Hebrews 4:2, below. The superior worth and dignity of Christ above Moses is shown. Moses had been hearing this stuff for forty years, and he had had it. And if I would try and snow you and say, "Nobody built that house, just one day it appeared there. In the Old Testament Israel was the house of God and the temple was known as the house of the Lord. For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast unto the end ( Hebrews 3:13-14 ); Again, the exhortation towards perseverance twice here in the text. (Hebrews 3:1). Lessons Drawn from Israel Under Moses. "I know that the heaven of heavens cannot contain you, how much less this house that we have built." Moses, you misrepresented Me. We"ve got to know that there is greater power with us than that which is against us. It is extremely appropriate that the Being within whom the life principle is self-contained, and whose existence is eternally in the present tense ("I AM that I AM" - Exodus 3:14), should be called the living God. [4] F. F. Bruce, The Epistle to the Hebrews (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. Hebrews: Bible Study and Commentary. People who have accepted the truth and are actually in the faith of Christ, if they do not live up to the moral requirements of that faith, become alienated from it, grow to despise and hate it, and at last find themselves in rebellion against God. But Christ as a son over his own house ( Hebrews 3:6 ); Moses was a servant in the house, faithful, but Christ is as the son over the house. And why today? This is going to be the longest funeral procession in history. "If we hold our confidence steadfast to the end.". c. Chapter Contents. They haven"t entered into that full, rich, abundant life of the Spirit that God has promised unto us. SUMMARY.--Our Apostle and High Priest. Therefore: From the previous chapter, we are left with the picture of Jesus as our heavenly High Priest. This is due to the fact that the proper names given by Moses to the places where those sad episodes took place came, in time, to have a broader meaning (Exodus 1:7). In particular, the fact that Jesus Christ is fully human is what allows Him to be our ultimate example, High Priest, and the "Captain" of our salvation (Hebrews 2:10). Is this commandment heeded today? The Apostle and High Priest of our confession, even Jesus. If you go back in the law, if you go back in the sacrifices, if you go back in the ordinances and in those things, you will find that Jesus is behind it all. For who, when they heard, did provoke? Moses was not a high priest; Christ is the eternal High Priest. They should have the grace to accept the sentiments of an old motto once said to be over the gates of the University of Glasgow; "What do they say? Not wishing to write flatly that they were in mortal danger of being lost, he proposes such an awesome possibility as something that just might "haply" befall them. The statement of Paul underlines the fact that life does not come to people a day at a time, but a moment at a time; hence, NOW is the day of salvation. In their birth, both became sons of virgin princesses, Moses through adoption by Pharaoh's daughter, Christ by means of the incarnation, and his birth by miracle, of the virgin Mary. Startling resemblance thing, just one day it appeared there words take up and illustrate lesson! Preferable to the High Priest of our confession, even Jesus. `` many families must be! Reason I '' ve been hanging around. 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