HDPE is also non-toxic and non-staining and meets FDA and USDA certification for food processing. (a) Cross-section of weld after 10,000 h exposure at 700°C, (b) microstructure at fusion line in highest residual stress area at the top of the weld. Stress relief is performed by heating to a temperature below Ac1 (for ferritic steels) and holding at that temperature for the required time, to achieve the desired reduction in residual stresses. Seawater and brines 2. Downloadable datasets available. The PWHT temperature and time are selected to unsure that stress relief via dislocation movement is both sufficiently rapid and complete by the end of the PWHT. STEEL TUBING, SEAMLESS 0.22 - 0.28C (SAE 1025) Cold Drawn and Stress Relieved. In this test a circular 19-mm-deep U-groove was machined in a 37.5-mm-thick annealed and aged 740H plate. The welded plate was stress relieved for 4 h at 800°C and then exposed at 700°C for a total time of 10,000 h. The plate was removed from the furnace and examined with ultrasonic and radiographic methods at 1000 h intervals. No cracking was observed. Stress relieving is used typically to remove residual stresses which have accumulated from prior manufacturing processes. The general corrosion resistance of Ti-3-2.5 for a variety of environments is shown in Table 1. The tubing can be supplied in a range of conditions [...] including annealed, age hardened, cold worked or stress relieved. Either way the grain boundaries are unable to tolerate the strain redistribution leading to decohesion of the boundaries, ie, low ductility fracture mechanism. Moist chlorine gas 4. True Temper Velo : Chromoly Heat treated >150 KSI: 10-15% : This is the leading edge aero-profile tubeset. The lack of a coarse grain zone is typical for GTAW welds in alloy 740H weldments. Subscribers can view annotate, and download all of SAE's content. This process produces the highest weld strength possible. A local stress relief is as effective for a weld seam as a full-furnace stress relief as long as upper temperature, heat-up, and cool-down rates are met. For the nickel–aluminum bronzes the production of residual stresses can be minimized by ensuring that a large enough area of the blade is heated during the repair process. Relaxation cracking along neutral zone of a 347H tube. finetubes.co.uk. T.R. Unbalanced residual stresses can result in part distortion, and cause problems in those alloys susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. HOT FINISHED SEAMLESS TUBING - CARBON/ALLOY HOT FINISHED SEAMLESS TUBING - CARBON/ALLOY SPECIFICATIONS GRADE DESCRIPTION HEAT TREATMENT SPECIAL FEATURES 13 ASTM A105/ASME SA105 ASTM A106/ASME SA106 ASTM A333 Grd 1/6 ASME SA333 Grd 1/6 ASTM A519 API 5CT K55 API 5CT N80 API 5CT L80 API 5CT C95 API 5CT P110 API 5CT Q125 NACE MR-01 … Suggestions. Steel Tubing, Seamless, 0.31 - 0.38C (SAE 1035), Stress Relieved AMS5082B This specification covers a carbon steel in the form of seamless tubing. Stress relief is performed by heating to a temperature below Ac1 (for ferritic steels) and holding at that temperature for the required time, to achieve the desired reduction in residual stresses. We have enacted strict protocol to address the outbreak and to ensure the safety of our employees and customers. Examination of other planes revealed isolated porosity and lack of fusion voids. Although mechanical stress relief can be used to relieve residual stresses produced by welding, there are no accompanying metallurgical benefits as with thermal treatments. 550–650°C for unalloyed and low-alloy steels; 600–700°C for hot-work and high-speed tool steels. The operations of principal concern are welding, straightening and burning on of sections of the blades. Contact today!! Local stress relief is performed on the closing (shell to drum) weld. For this reason, although thermal treatments are a good choice for residual stress minimization, mechanical processes are sometimes preferred due to rapid delivery and lower operating cost. The maximum temperature for stress relief is limited to 30°C below the tempering temperature.17, The results of the stress relieving process are dependent on the temperature and time which are correlated through Holloman’s parameter (P):9. where T is the temperature (K), t is the time (h) and CHJ is the Holloman–Jaffe constant which is calculated from: P is a measure of the ‘thermal effect’ of the process and that processes with the same Holloman's parameter exhibit the same effect. Fig. J.D. They can be effective where a thermal treatment is not practicable, but cannot be considered a complete alternative. Density. This includes carbon, alloy and even custom steel grades; annealed, normalized and tempered; stress-relieved and stress-free; and quench-and-tempered. Ti-3-2.5 exhibits good corrosion resistance to a wide variety of environments including: 1. Learn More », WIRE, ELECTRICAL, FLUOROPOLYMER-INSULATED, CROSS-LINKED MODIFIED ETFE, LIGHTWEIGHT, NICKEL-COATED, COPPER, 200 °C, 600 VOLT, ROHS, Further Development of Fuel Consumption For Heavy-duty CNG Engine. In the case of the high-tensile brasses and manganese–aluminum bronzes a large area of the blade which embodies the repair should be heated to a predetermined temperature, around 550°C in the case of high-tensile brass and 650°C in the case of manganese–aluminum bronze. Browse 6061-T651 Heat Treated & Aged, Stress-Relieved Aluminum Alloys - Plate in the Fay Industries, Inc. (Steel * Saw Cutting) catalog including Item #,Thickness,Width,Length,Estimated Weight per Sq. All categories . Cylinder Repair Components specializes in supplying 1026 DOM Stress Relieved Tubing: MHT-40mmx60mm. Chromoly Stress Relieved >110 KSI : 10-12%: A conventional 4130 seamless Chromoly stress relieved to improve the mechanical strength 7% over tubing that is not stress relieved. The carbide precipitation consumes the secondary hardening elements, leading to a denuded, relatively weak grain boundary zone. When the repair is complete this area should then be allowed to cool as slowly as possible so as to permit a slow plastic flow and relief of stress at the lower temperatures. J.S. Chemistry and mechanical requirements are given below. Harston, F. Ropital, in Amine Unit Corrosion in Refineries, 2007, Hossain M.M.A. As the stresses are relaxed via dislocation movement, the newly decorated grain boundaries act as dislocation sinks and/or result in dislocation pile-up causing back stress. In test after test, TuffDOM has proven itself particularly suited to high load-bearing applications and to jobs where an exceptional ability to withstand severe stress or cold temperature is important. These temperatures are above the recrystallisation temperatures of these types of steels. Stress relief cracking is defined as intergranular cracking in the heat-affected zone (HAZ) or weld metal that occurs during PWHT or during high-temperature service. The release of this external load takes place elastically and results in a reduced peak value of residual stress. Sign up to get access to this premium feature for free. Properties. Digital Standard available. Les tubes peuvent faire l'objet [...] de divers traitements tels que le recuit, le [...] durcissement par vieillissement, l'écrouissage ou le recuit de [...] relaxation. The stress reliefs in a steam generator are planned very carefully to ensure the following: All pressure boundary welds will receive a stress relief at 607°C. Unlike normalizing or annealing, stress relieving does not change the metal’s chemical / … Standard: EN10305-1 Description Name: EN10305-1 Seamless cold drawn tubes, E235 Precision tubes, Seamless precision tubes, E355 Precision tubes Size: 4mm-260mm W.T. If the β alloy is in its final age-hardened condition, the SR temperature should be at or below the aging temperature to prevent strength reduction. General. Stress Relieving is a heat treating process that consists of heating the steel to a temperature below the critical range to relieve the residual stresses resulting from hot rolling, welding, shearing, or gas cutting. Additional projects to investigate stress relaxation cracking in 740H and other nickel-based alloys are under way at the Center for Integrative Materials Joining Science for Energy Applications at Ohio State [64] and Lehigh Universities, as well as several boiler manufacturers. HS-50 High Pressure Hydraulic is also available as a stress relieved product, HS-90 High Pressure Hydraulic. J.J. deBarbadillo, in Materials for Ultra-Supercritical and Advanced Ultra-Supercritical Power Plants, 2017. Tube Sizes up to and Including 2.750" OD with a Maximum Wall of .125". The main purpose of the PWHT is to relieve the stresses built up during welding. Our Ashby charts are interactive with more technical data upon clicking. Downloadable datasets available. Current REVISED 2018-06-28 Steel Tubing, Seamless 0.31 - 0.38C (SAE 1035) Stress Relieved AMS5082H This specification covers a carbon steel in the form of seamless tubing up through 1.500 inches (38.10 mm), inclusive outer diameter. The residual stresses induced by these heating operations are sufficient to lead to stress corrosion cracking in high-tensile brass and the manganese–aluminum bronzes. Aerospace Material Specification; AMS5075E; Revised . Aerospace Material Specification; AMS5075G; Stabilized; Published July 01, 2020 by SAE International in United States . finetubes.co.uk. The secondary hardening may be an SIPH mechanism and/or addition phases coming out of solution as the alloy moves to equilibrium; see section on secondary hardening. The difference between this embrittlement during PWHT and service is not just one of time but also mechanism. finetubes.co.uk . When the stress relief process is complete it is desirable to grind a portion of the blade surface and polish and etch it in order to demonstrate that a satisfactory microstructure has been produced. The invention is also directed to a process for austempering tubing having a welded seam and for relieving residual stress in the weld. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. Stress reliefs are developed which preclude any heating of the tubes during the operation. However, a comprehensive knowledge of the responses of steels to such treatments is essential, and great care is needed in determining the direction and magnitude of the applied loads. Stress relieving is a heat treatment process in which a metal is subjected to a constant temperature that is below the metal's critical temperature, followed by controlled cooling. Organics and organic acids 7. With the intragranular regions being strengthened by the secondary hardening, all the service-induced deformation is constrained to the weak narrow grain boundary region leading to an apparent intergranular brittle failure [16]. STRESSPROOF® can also be induction hardened, but should be watched for quench cracks. 7.8 - 7.9 g/cm³ at 20 °C. He concluded that it is relatively resistant to HAZ cracking (similar to alloy 718) [61]. CRC has been designated an Essential Business and will remain in operation serving our customers throughout the COVID-19 outbreak. Want to participate in updating this standard? 14.35. The TuffDOM line of cold-drawn, stress-relieved tubing that has good mechanical properties for fluid power and other demanding applications. The heat should be applied slowly and uniformly such that the isothermals are generally straight across the blade. 14.36(b). method for extending the life of thin walled tubing and austempered weld stress relieved thin walled tubing. Nayar recommends heating to:30. Below 300°C, faster cooling rates can be used. Rashed, in Fundamentals of Aluminium Metallurgy, 2018. In the thermal treatment, time, energy consumption, and establishment cost hinder optimum stress reduction. The arrangement of the PTFE molecules varies with temperature. To date, many alloy 740H weldments in 10- to 75-mm-thick section, some with restraint, have been made and stress relieved with no reported weld metal or HAZ cracking. Table 26.3 illustrates soaking times for the various propeller materials, again taken from Reference 1. Figure 4.10. finetubes.fr. This avoids metallurgical alteration of the tubing which might decrease resistance to corrosion and eliminates the risk of damaging tubing through distortion of the surrounding tube supports during stress relief. If a β alloy has not been heat treated, the SR temperature should be substantially below the βT to prevent preferred α precipitation in grain boundaries (which embrittles the material). finetubes.fr. Austenitic steel grades for boilers in ultra-supercritical power plants, Materials for Ultra-Supercritical and Advanced Ultra-Supercritical Power Plants, Experiences of twenty-one plants using diethanolamine, Control of Distortion in Aluminium Heat Treatment, Marine Propellers and Propulsion (Third Edition), Heat Treatment of Welded Steel Structures, (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), Original stress relief on lean amine return from regenerator to the last of the three feed–effluent exchangers; following cracking in some other lines, replaced with stress-relieved lines, Some parts are PWHT (absorber and regenerator); all new equipment. Large strain amplitudes can relax large stresses [89]. Another similar commonly used expression employed in evaluating the stress relief of spring steels is the Larson–Miller equation:9. When stress-relieving β alloys, care must be taken to avoid interfering with the final age-hardening treatment. procédé permettant de prolonger la durée de vie d'un tube à paroi mince et tube à paroi mince à relaxation de contrainte de … Additional details will be published in the future. The working principle of this method lies in rotation of the lattice. HS-50 High Pressure Hydraulic Tubing is offered in wall thicknesses of 0.035” to 0.120” and in outer diameters of 0.375” to 1.75” depending on OD-to-Wall ratio. The microstructure in the HAZ and weld metal is shown in Fig. Other benefits include resistance to fatigue and stress, balanced working and minimum warpage and distortion. Inorganic salts 3. Cylinder Repair Components specializes in supplying 1026 DOM Stress Relieved Tubing: MHT-40mmx50mm. Crevice corrosion The effect of temperature and pH on crevice corrosion of Ti-3-2.5 is shown in figure 11. Little or no stress relief occurs at temperatures <260°C and approximately 90% of the stress is relieved at 540°C. ρ. Mechanical stress relief treatments are a process of stress re-distribution during which the high peaks of an existing residual tensile stress are removed by controlled localised yielding.25 Externally applied loads in the same direction as the residual stress cause yielding in regions where a high stress already exists. The steel is then cooled sufficiently slowly to avoid the formation of excessive thermal stresses. Copyright © 2021 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. Although stress-relieved tubing exhibits pinhole type failure at the lower stress levels it has not yet been possible to characterize the fracture as inter- or transgranular. Heat-up and cool-down rates are established to preclude excessive stressing of the shell during stress relief. Figure 14.35. COVID-19 Update . All rights reserved. Titanium Alloy, Seamless, Hydraulic Tubing 3.0Al - 2.5V Cold Worked, Stress Relieved (UNS R56320) Form: This specification covers a titanium alloy in the form of seamless tubing. All categories . There was no evidence that these cavities enlarged during the test. Typically heating and cooling during stress relieving is performed in the furnace, particularly with distortion and crack-sensitive materials. Greater strength may also be obtained by the use of DOM tubing with heavier walls. This method may be an alternative choice because of lower operating cost and reasonable reduction of residual stresses. Vibrational stress will decrease strain energy (springback), which will ultimately rotate the unstable distorted lattice to the normal lattice position [90]. 4.10 shows an example of relaxation cracking on the natural axis of a 347H bend and also shows the intergranular nature of the crack. Steel Tubing, Seamless 0.22 - 0.28C (SAE 1025) Cold Drawn and Stress Relieved. Stress reliefs are developed which preclude any heating of the tubes during the operation. We have enacted strict protocol to address the outbreak and to ensure the safety of our employees and customers. Thus, this process relieves residual stresses from components. Nonpressure boundary welds and certain inconel welds can be exempted from stress relief. The tubing can be supplied in a range of conditions including annealed, age hardened, [...] cold worked or stress relieved. Stress relieving steel is one way to deal with this situation, and machined steel parts may warp or crack during use if this type of action is not taken. Les tubes peuvent faire l'objet [...] de divers traitements tels que le recuit, le durcissement par vieillissement, [...] l'écrouissage ou le recuit de relaxation. 7.8 - 7.9 g/cm³ at 20 °C. Figure 14.36. We are … TABLE 26.3. See where ASTM A513 Grade 1008 DOM Stress-Relieved falls on the material property chart for Density against Elastic modulus in your materials selection and design process. P. Barnard, in Materials for Ultra-Supercritical and Advanced Ultra-Supercritical Power Plants, 2017. In Smithells Metals Reference Book (Eighth Edition), 2004, Stress relieving is used typically to remove residual stresses which have accumulated from prior manufacturing processes. In this method, stress is relaxed by cyclic loading. General. It is extraordinarily stiff, yet lightweight and responsive. Seamless Mechanical Tubing for sale, Quality ASTM A519 1020 SRA Seamless Mechanical Tubing on sale of NEW-ERA STEEL TUBE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD from China. Consequently, there has been considerable interest in how alloys such as 740H, albeit with a lower volume fraction of γ′, will perform. Ft.,Estimated Weight per Seet Contact today!! Benefits can be gained from the redistribution of local stresses around notches and stress concentrators, providing improved fracture strength at low temperatures and improved fatigue life in these regions. SR can result in aging of all alloy types, α can be aged by α2 precipitates, and if metastable β is present, α precipitation that provides strengthening can occur. Major full-furnace stress reliefs are performed on the primary head/tubesheet/thick shell/secondary shell assembly, and on the steam drum shell assembly. This phenomenon is known as prestressing. 14.36(a). Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT), or stress relief as it is sometimes known, is a method for reducing and redistributing the residual stresses in the material that have been introduced by welding. You find these products in automotive components where performance depends on reliability and quality. – Rigid Stress-Relieved Tight Tolerance Virgin PTFE Rod. Stress relieving (SR) is used to remove residual stresses from prior fabrication steps, or even prior heat treatments. A stress relief operation is typically used to remove internal (residual) stresses that have accumulated in the material. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780081008942000042, URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B0123694019005362, URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780750675093500324, URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B978008100552100004X, URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780081005521000142, URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9781845692377500045, URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780081020630000138, URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780080971230000265, URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B978185573016850008X, Smithells Metals Reference Book (Eighth Edition), 2004, Steam Generators for Nuclear Power Plants, Smithells Metals Reference Book (Eighth Edition). annealed or stress relieved for improved formability. The appearance of the plate at the end of the test is shown in Fig. ρ. Reference 1 gives the exception for nickel–aluminum bronze to be where the weld repair has not been carried out to the blade edge inboard of the 0.7R and where repairs have not been made between the bolt holes or flange of a separately cast blade. The grain size of both the base metal and HAZ was ASTM 2.5–3. The weld cross-section after completion of the test is shown in Fig. AMS E Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Committee. There are different transition points, with the most important ones being 19°C corresponding to a modification of some physical properties, and then at 327°C which corresponds to the disappearance of the crystalline structure; the PTFE … Stress relief cracking in service, also known as relaxation cracking and/or hold time cracking, is essentially a secondary hardening of the grains coupled with the carbide precipitation on the grain boundary. Oxidizing acids 6. Vibratory stress relief techniques can be used in aluminium alloys for stress relief after heat treatment. Ramirez used Gleeble tests to simulate the effect of various heating cycles that might be applied during the stress relief/aging cycle on the heat-affected zone in 740. A steel disc. This specification covers a carbon steel in the form of seamless tubing up through 1.500 inches (38.10 mm), inclusive outer diameter. Other final welding inside the steam generator, such as the primary divider plate, the separators and separator assemblies, and the shroud closure, are exempted from stress relief. Revision History Related Info Our Ashby charts are interactive with more technical data upon clicking. Stress relieving results in a significant reduction of yield strength in addition to a decrease in the residual stresses to some ‘safe’ value. Drawing, forming and machining induce stresses in materials. Advantages of OurAs-Welded Mechanical Tubing Tubular Products manufactures as-welded mechanical tubing to ASTM specification A513 using the Electric Resistance Welding (ERW) process. During this process and particularly in the region of 300–400°C, the isothermals should be maintained as straight as possible across the blade. In the case of hot straightening applied to a blade it is normally sufficient to lag the heated area with asbestos blankets so that it cools slowly: if the method of heating has been via a coke brazier then it is helpful to let the fire die down naturally under the blade. ©2021 SAE International. In addition, you find … Sulfur compounds Table 1 General corrosion rates for Grade 9. Properties. No phase transformations occur during stress relief processing. HDPE (high-density polyethylene) sheets offer excellent impact resistance, light weight, low moisture absorption, and high tensile strength. We provide seamless mechanical steel tubing products designed to thrive in demanding, high-stress applications. Sign up to get access to this premium feature for free. Drawn-Over-Mandrel (DOM), Electric Resistance Welded (ERW) In line with our reputation as a world supplier of tubing, at Salem Steel NA, LLC our mills manufacture high quality electric resistance welded tubing (ERW), which is further worked to produce drawn over mandrel (DOM) tubing for a range of industries and demanding applications. However, these short time tests cannot fully predict the sensitivity to cracking of highly restrained weldments in service. COVID-19 Update . SAE28322019-Welded Flash Controlled, High Strength (690 MPa Tensile Strength), Low Alloy Steel Hydraulic Tubing, Stress Relieved, Annealed for Bending, Double F Alkaline solutions 5. Borland test specimen after 10,000 h interrupted exposure at 700°C. finetubes.co.uk. The present invention is directed to a method of extending the life of thin walled tubing by austempering the tubing in a controlled continuous run process involving heating, quenching, and cooling the tubing pursuant to predetermined process parameters. finetubes.fr. From: Smithells Metals Reference Book (Eighth Edition), 2004, J.C. Smith, in Steam Generators for Nuclear Power Plants, 2017. For α and α–β alloys, the SR temperature will be in the range of 480–815°C, and if these alloys were β-annealed, more rearrangement of phase boundaries is needed and the SR temperature should be increased by ∼55°C. Special Metals has studied the stress relaxation cracking issue by using a circular patch test that has been employed for evaluating stainless steel [62,63]. The extent of relaxation of the residual stresses depends on the material type and composition, the temperature of PWHT and the soaking time at that temperature. The blade should then be allowed to cool as slowly as possible by lagging the blade and protecting the area from draughts; during the entire stress relief process the control of the temperature needs to be carefully monitored. No creep voids were seen. Annotation ability available. Stress Relief Soaking Times Taken From LR Rules 2006, D N Croft, in Heat Treatment of Welded Steel Structures, 1996. Carlton FREng, in Marine Propellers and Propulsion (Third Edition), 2012. This process can relieve over 90% the internal stress within steel, and is particularly useful for large cast or welded parts, in addition to workpieces from which a lot of material was removed during machining. AMS5082H This avoids metallurgical alteration of the tubing which might decrease resistance to corrosion and eliminates the risk of damaging tubing through distortion of the surrounding tube supports during stress relief. The stress relief of a propeller blade after a repair involving heat, particularly welding, is an important matter. See where ASTM A513 Grade 1026 DOM Stress-Relieved falls on the material property chart for Density against Elastic modulus in your materials selection and design process. : 0.5mm-25mm Shape: Round. finetubes.fr. farco plastics supply, inc. 3087f: compound, insulating and sealing, silicone: 3373: compound, silicone rubber, insulating and sealing 35-55 We are … HDPE Sheets - Stress-Relieved (S/R) - These sheets have gone through an additional annealing process to reduce stress. CRC has been designated an Essential Business and will remain in operation serving our customers throughout the COVID-19 outbreak. A nine-pass GTAW weld was made with the final cap pass at the outside to accentuate the stress in that area. stress-relieved. Stress relief cracking is a well-documented problem in some γ′ strengthened nickel-based alloys such as Waspaloy. Thermal Properties PTFE Rod is one of the most thermally stable plastic materials; there is no appreciable decomposition below 400°C. Stress relieving is the process of heating materials to a suitable temperature and holding temperature long enough to reduce stress or internal stress that remains after the original cause of stress has been removed, followed by cooling the material slowly to minimize the development of new residual stress. The critical crevice temperat… The test evaluation including residual mechanical properties is continuing. Titanium Alloy Tubing, Seamless, Hydraulic 3Al - 2.5V, Texture Controlled Cold Worked, Stress Relieved Form This specification covers a titanium alloy in the form of seamless tubing. Minimum Mechanical Properties* Welded DOM (Drawn Over Mandrel) As-Drawn and Stress Relief Annealed. Bieler, ... L. Zeng, in Encyclopedia of Condensed Matter Physics, 2005. Stress relief cracking during PWHT, also known as reheat cracking, is essentially grain boundary embrittlement due to carbide precipitation during the PWHT [30,31]. Density. Classification societies have strict procedures for stress relief and require that for all materials, except in certain cases for the nickel–aluminum bronzes, stress relief be carried out for weld repairs. The safety of our employees and customers deBarbadillo, in heat treatment of Welded steel Structures 1996... Fully stress relieved tubing the sensitivity to cracking of highly restrained weldments in service inclusive outer.... Stressing of the tubes during the operation nine-pass GTAW weld was made with the age-hardening!, light weight, low moisture absorption, and cause problems in those alloys susceptible to hydrogen.. Erw ) process during PWHT and service is not practicable, but should be applied slowly uniformly. 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