This means that it would turn on when someone in its sensor range comes near it. Disable the motion sensor and you've got the solution with the same effect without all the extra hubbub. We are building a house with the motion sensors all over the place. Have an assistant hold the ladder steady. Next idea is to do a HARDWIRE BYPASS. This will send a 'stay on' command to the controller chip. Place the lantern on the top step of the ladder to light the switch area of the motion light. The light will become a normal light on a switch. If you forget to turn the device off when you leave the room the lights are going to stay on anyways, EXACTLY the same as if you'd forgotten to turn the light switch off.. Just a thought, and maybe you haven't yet tried it. The most common toggle sequence is, when the light comes on automatically, turn it off for a count of three and then turn it back on. The sensor works by detecting motion in its field of vision, which will cause the light to turn on. What is a Motion Sensor Light. As the name implies, the motion sensor light turns on and off based on motion. This can be a problem if the light is over-sensitive and is triggered by cats, small insects, or even stray dust moving in a … The motion sensor light that I have is a simple twin head security light with a motion sensor in the middle of the fixture that can be unscrewed, thereby accessing the wiring. Literally cutting a few wires, doing a few splices, will permanently remove the motion sensor. We are having to select how far out in diameter they will pick up motion (so a person walking down the hall doesn't turn on a light in an empty room) and how sensitive - so the cat doesn't turn the dang things on … How to Reset a Motion Sensor Light. First, aim the detector. I don't understand how the light would operate with the switch "open". Before we begin learning how to reset outdoor motion sensor lights, it’s really important that you know what a motion sensor light is and how it works. Avoid areas that have high amounts of wind or experiences sudden shifts in temperature, like a window or HVAC vent. Most models have durations that span from 1 minute to over a half hour. Then, after this period of time has elapsed, it will shut … If you have pets, make sure motion sensors are positioned to avoid them. If you use your outside lights all the time, you would like to have the light stay ON when you’re outside entertaining or you’ve heard noises and want the light to remain ON for the rest of night, there is a special switch you can change to which will make overriding the sensor really simple if the method mentioned above is not suitable. To make the head stay put, you may have to tighten screws or ring nuts (Photo 2) on the arm that supports the head. I suspect the reason you are asking about this, is because its a nuiscance turning on and off too much at night, when the wind blows the plants nearby. Place a ladder on a firm surface directly below the outdoor motion light you wish to adjust to remain on. Climb the ladder to reach the light, taking care not to set the sensor off. These dictate how long the light will stay on after being activated. Many of the motion sensor switches have a 'constant on' feature that is triggered by a series of toggles. When motion is detected by a motion sensor light, it will stay on for at least a period of time, on average 2 minutes, so that it can provide illumination for this time if the person that triggered the sensor stays in the area. Turn the sensor head right or left and up or down so that its field of vision is roughly centered on the area you want to cover. A motion detector light is a security device that can be installed outside any home. A sensor light usually has a timer that keeps the light on for a set amount of time after the sensor is triggered, sometimes the time delay is user adjustable, this is to “save” electricity and especially save battery life on solar sensor lights. Motion sensor lights also have “duration” setting options. To stop a motion sensor light from turning on, first make sure that the motion sensor lights are on the least sensitive setting on the sensitivity switch. The Ultimate Solution.