I like hearing things like "this is the new normal" and "it won't happen". Back; Apply for a visa; Tools and information for meeting criteria; Waiting for a visa. The US market is similar. According to Statistics New Zealand estimates, New Zealand's net migration … Kiwisaver / pensions accounts will be taking a kicking. See the Kiwi factor in record net migration for context and detail around the New Zealand-citizen influence on migration. Latest estimates show annual net migration falling from a provisional peak of 95,500 in the year ending March 2020. Migration added a net 56,000 people to New Zealand's population in the year to June, Stats NZ says. Haworth has gone: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12266753. No I am not a racist. Since then, there have been a net 46000 permanent or long-term migrants, according to a Stats NZ app — and recent research from Stats NZ has found that these figures overstate net migration a bit, because they misclassify some people returning home. Where there has been progress (or at least progress in my opinion) is the reduction in granting permanent residency visas. Labour promised 30,000 or less - Fail. The ' Net long term migration - annual 12-16' chart will be drawn here. Perhaps the govt is already realising (with the kiwi build failure - fewer buyers than expected) that there isn’t as much of a housing shortage as estimated? - No Kiwibuild Indeed, also the government increasing the LVR to 95% for FHB buying KiwiBuild houses in their "reset" to get them into buying a house, - No drop in immigration With the removal … In the absence of a immigration policy lets close our doors because we are beginning to suffer housing and congestion and lack of teachers and doctors. - No Judith Collins, No coherent policies This again is not productive use of capital when compared to the option of using the capital in value added export businesses. Reality check next year - no one will suffer their leftest ineptness in managing everything else with out delivery on this policy. “Since late 2014, annual net migration has ranged between 48,000 and 64,000,” … Annual net migration in the July 2018 year was 63,800. The migration data explorer replaces the annual Migration Trends report, which has now ceased publication. Has been revised down by 8,400.. will be revised down even further.. "The first provisional estimate of net migration for the February 2019 year (published in April 2019) was 61,600 (± 1,800). This work is based on/includes Stats NZ’s data and is not an official government website. Export direct. From over 50k to about 34k. More will be moving to low risk. Worse and we would be in line with Turkey. No ability to prevent Greens ambushing the Government at every turn But nothing major like drug taking, wild parties or other bad habits. I would vote Satan to the beehive if he promised to put a lid on immigration. The 'Net long term migration monthly gain or loss 12-16' chart will be drawn here. All the people bemoaning immigration not dropping enough will likely change their tune if the Auckland housing market keeps declining. Oh... thats right i already did. Follow auction results in our searchable database, even passed-ins, The smart & simple way to send money overseas at better rates than banks, Subscribe to our daily Banking & Finance email for senior finance professionals. The liberal governments in the five-eye countries have some consensus and have been acting to those consensus: 2) The higher than needed immigration rate requires a high amount of spending in infrastructure improvements which requires tax dollars (in Auckland where most immigrants remain there are dis-economies of scale). In the same eight months in 2019 the gain from migration averaged close to 6,000 a month, about 10 times higher, he said. Overall, net migration in the year ended November 2020 is provisionally estimated at 52,400, based on 102,900 migrant arrivals and 50,500 migrant departures, Stats NZ said. Now we match GDP per capita with places like Slovenia, Finland, Poland, etc. I think we are agreeing. Or, your browser is blocking ad display with it's settings. Please help us keep it that way by allowing your browser to display ads. Yet again: continuing high levels of immigration and falling interest rates will provide support for the Auckland property market. @kezza R ............ the stock market is waaaaay overdue for a real correction , I doubt this is it though . The likelihood of a substantial drawdown in the near term is fairly high. No Budget surplus , its all been committed NZ as had 70 years of very high legal immigration. WELLINGTON, Jan. 21 (Xinhua) -- New Zealand's annual net migration is dropping steadily, with far fewer migrant arrivals and departures in the eight months since COVID-19 border restrictions were imposed in March 2020, New Zealand's statistics department Stats NZ said on Thursday. - Since we have passed the initial 5 month period of the 12/16 month method, they have just reported on the Feb 2019 numbers which have been revised down by 8400 (-13%) on the initial reported numbers. Three of the top four skilled migrant categories in the recent NZ Initiative report on migration were in retail and hospitality. This peak was due to many people who arrived in New Zealand in late-2019 and early-2020 being unable to, or choosing not to, return overseas and staying longer than usual, Islam said. Some economists actually think the high rate of immigration is handicapping us. need to step up and take responsibility. Do you mean Russia, Turkey and recently Hungary? Migrant arrivals, at over 149,000, were up 7.7% on the previous 12 months to July, while migrant departures at 96,300, were up 6.9%. Or sell them now and biy back later at half the price. Browse . By now we ought to see evidence of 'our ability to trade profitably'. Our current comment policy is here. Again, a significant increase from the 31% who felt this way in 2015. "" I do note that the number of UK citizens departing seems to be significant and they do not even get a mention in the incoming stats. The net gain in the population from migration since border restrictions has averaged about 600 people a month. Listen duration : 42 ″ Add to playlist Playlist. Get used to the death of democracy. So they promised 30-40k. Calculating the actual travel duration (outcomes-based measure) is a more accurate way of measuring migration than relying on passenger card intentions. Recent trend clearly show a move from students to workers... and if we correlate that with the volume of CCC's issued recently, proves that the new arrivals are related to the building industry. - No denial of housing crisis - No reducing child poverty (actually on the rise) So, there are maybe 135,000 people living in NZ who were born in the PRC. These electronic records include flight and passport details, such as date of travel, … Just pluck nice round figures out of the ether . From the so called liberal left. I love diversity. Once you have chosen a subject category or a result, select … International Migration statistics are based on electronic arrival and departure records for each passenger supplied to Stats NZ by the New Zealand Customs Service. This is not a failure by the government it is business as usual. ". If prolonged very high legal immigration is such a great idea why don't other countries copy us? But it wasn't 72400 was it (due to stats mis-estimation). Ditto the national road network Maybe even worse in 2019? Migration to New Zealand - New Zealand saw its annual net migration drop since border restrictions were imposed in March 2020, said Stats NZ. Many property investors and MPs would lose money and I don't care. Makes no difference whether it is Nationals or Labour we continue to fall behind other OECD countries. We have near record low unemployment and most of the immigrants we are gaining are quite economically valuable. Cant see any bad news out there. The trouble is, fear takes over and people don't! "Historically, net migration gains have been dominated by non-New Zealand citizens, but since April 2020 this pattern has reversed, and New Zealand citizens are driving the small net gain," Islam said. No order in the COL Exports should fall as a proportion of GDP as population increases - as the size of the internal markets grows. They have had all their child rearing and education paid for by other countries, they tend to be relatively high achievers with good work ethic who will pay a million or more in tax during their working lives, more than covering the cost of extra infrastructure needed, and they bring knowledge of and contacts with their countries of origin to enhance our ability to trade profitably with them in future. Migrant arrivals were 131,600 and migrant departures were 61,600. Your access to our unique and original content is free, and always has been.But ad revenues are under pressure so we need your support. Wow. USA has imports/exports of about 26% of GDP, Australia 42%, NZ 52%. stats.govt.nz! What is their record at keeping promises? The opposite has happened with exports falling as a fraction of GDP. NZ stock market has droped 1.4% today. Search. The next largest groups were citizens of: China 7,800, United Kingdom 6,100, Australia 4,300 and India 4,200. Stats NZ population indicators manager Tehseen Islam said in contrast, there was a net loss of non-New Zealand citizen migrants each month from April to July 2020, making it … Migration data transformation project … Overall, net migration in the year ended November 2020 is provisionally estimated at 52,400, based on 102,900 migrant arrivals, and 50,500 migrant departures. The Brits voted for Brexit, but the elites/media/politicians view voters as stupid, so their votes can't count and they know far better. New Zealand immigration statistics for 2015 was 1,039,736.00, a 9.74% increase from 2010. So their promise is 52,399 or less. This is bad performance from the government. Migrant arrivals, at over 149,000, were up 7.7% on the previous 12 months to July, while migrant departures at 96,300, were up 6.9%. Since 2014, net migration had been the biggest driver of population change in New Zealand, Stats NZ said. Which is worst the net migration gain of 52,722 or the net emigration of 13,600 New Zealand citizens? Migration Data Explorer | Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment. Statistics NZ estimates New Zealand's net migration gain increased by over 8% in the July year when compared with the year to July 2018. Natural increase Net PLT migration Net internal migration Note: Natural increase by date of registration Net PLT migration not adjusted for non response Net internal migration experimental only Source: Stats NZ . Yes, from a value investing perspective the whole market is expensive, with ~350% gain since early 2009. Housing isn't the only problem that can be linked with high immigration. Not sure we should blame the low wage economy on high immigration. - No selling out to China Stats NZ confidenct new migration model is more accurate. Vote for New Zealand People 's United Party next time folks. ...its so easy to fling around the promises when you're in opposition , with no expectation of becoming a government.. a billion trees , 100 000 houses . Does anyone know if this is being repeated for them in other countries like Australia or Canada. Enditem, 010020070750000000000000011100001396871031. What with Brixit and so forth. Without those immigrants we would be doing far worse. Looks like I will have to get out and vote next election after all, I mean there is also a vote on Cannabis in 2020 as well so may as well give that the big tick, after all it looks like all our politicians are already smoking tons of the stuff looking at their performance. NZF promised 10,000 - Bigger Fail. Download. This absurd situation is replicated throughout the world and is leading us towards a complete breakdown of confidence in govt. "Almost all the net migration gain in the November 2020 year occurred from December 2019 to March 2020, before border restrictions were imposed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic," population indicators manager Tehseen Islam said in a statement. How? The high supply of low-skilled migrant workers keeps a lid on wages in certain industries. New Zealand’s net migration rate was 11.4 per 1,000 people in the year ended June 2019 (time period used for international comparability), reflecting annual net migration of about 56,000 for … 2.00% down for the day, that's a kicking. Provisional migration estimates are revised each month until finalised about 17 months after the reference period. this is actually one area where I am ok with their lack of follow through. Once NZ was joint 1st GDP per capita and now we are about 35th. You still need other kinds of public facilities , which at the ever-widening gap between population growth and investment, cannot be filled without our cities taking a breather on migration. Failure on immigration, housing and tax. No reduction in costs of construction ref page 2 https://www.mbie.govt.nz/assets/b85da0149d/community-perceptions-migrant... Non-New Zealand citizen migrant departures were up 20 percent from the July 2017 year to 31,300. Explore NZ visa options; Visit New Zealand Study in New Zealand Work in New Zealand Live permanently in New Zealand Join or bring family to New Zealand Start a business or invest in New Zealand; Apply for a visa. I'm the other end of the scale. Learn more here. I even know quite a number of such migrants, and quite a few of then are on WFF and/or the accommodation supplement. Not a peep out of them on the subject since I notice. Your access to our unique and original content is free, and always will be. Create a SUPPORTER account with no ads here. Net immigration figures are now based on the 'outcomes-based measure of migration', which Stats NZ deems to be a more accurate measure of migration… No one to take up first year free fees bribe Announced policies including cutting net immigration to 10,000 per year. Labour, Winston First etc. Hard to think we could be doing worse. Migrant arrivals were 129,000 and migrant departures were 65,200. I wonder if they are going to become the new hermit country. And at last election the electorate were told immigration would be reduced under this Coalition. If you're already a Supporter, please use the Supporter Login option here. Analyse the numbers. Ridiculous.. - multiculturalism is the future and ONLY beneficial to society The net gain was 6,064 compared with 4,870 in July 2018. Help. Labour promised to drop it 20-30000 per year, NZF promised to drop it to 10000 per year, but in the coalition's "year of delivery" we have only about 10% or 5000 a year drop from National's last term average. Please tell us more about the non-western style of democracy. Net migration trending down The provisional estimate of annual net migration in the year ended November 2018 was 43,400 (± 1,500), Stats NZ said today. In the eight months from April to November last year, net migration was provisionally estimated at 5,100. . New Zealand immigration statistics for 2010 was 947,443.00, a 12.8% increase from 2005. Not all of these will think of NZ as home — some of … And its predeccessor. The next largest groups were citizens of: China, with 19,100, India with 12,500, South Africa 9,200, Australia 8,800 and the Philippines 8,100. Arrivals. 12 Jun 2019. How does this work improve on existing measures? Stats NZ Home > Browse for statistics > Population > Migration > International travel and migration articles > Alternative methods for measuring permanent and long-term migration This article describes Statistics NZ's current method of recording net permanent and long-term migration based on passenger intentions, and examines some alternative methods based on … Add in allowing hidden inflation destroying the value of cash in the bank for retirees, picking NZF to go the same way as the Moa/Dodo next election. There's still some value stocks to be found in every market, but they are not easy to find right now. I have heard that a short term work visa issued to someone is not counted as an inward migrant anymore ........... but they still need housing , etc. Any specific reason? More like low 60's, and they promised a reduction of 20-30k. If you are not already registered, please register to comment. Infoshare Select the following categories from the Infoshare homepage for data about international travel and migration. Getting sick of waiting though... - representations (gender, age, sexual orientation, race, health, religion) are far more important than competency when it comes to leadership Stats NZ released the new population data on Tuesday, which projects the country's population is likely to be between 5.1 and 5.5 million by 2025, and between 5.2 and 5.9 million by 2030.. nice analogy. In fairness, changing immigration rules is far easier than building 100,000 houses or planting a billion trees. But we would still be in this house and our last kid would leave home and the other three would consider buying instead of renting. Looked it up last night, and by the time i got round to trying again today they were down 27c.. will see which way the market moves on open tomorrow and be ready to sell. Annual net migration is dropping steadily, with far fewer migrant arrivals and departures in the eight months since border restrictions were imposed in March 2020, Stats NZ said today. The probability of decent gains after this 10 year bull run is quite low, especially for popular momentum stocks. NZ used to be level with USA and ahead of everyone else. You can argue the desirability of that promise, but not that they have failed to deliver. If immigration was a significant factor in making us richer it would be showing by now - we have had 70 years of higher than average legal immigration. 10 000 migrants per year , trust us .. Then one day you wake up and the fairy godfather of politics says its NZ First , and you , Jacinda ! On many fronts they are failing to deliver on their mandate. Ever since I was a little girl I dreamed of being a man so a few years ago I started putting two golf balls in my pockets and speaking with a deep voice. - No Simon Bridges Yes, there are some downside influences - continuing very low yields munting investor interest, and increasing housing supply (but possibly insufficient necessary to meet current levels of immigration). I have found migrants are consistantly good people with good tenancy habits. And their handling of this alleged sexual harrassment case is s shambles. Only needs a very small nudge to hit target. - No billion trees Remember we welcome robust, respectful and insightful debate. Easter boosts overseas visitor numbers. Please help us keep it that way by allowing your browser to display ads. A large margin of safety, big upside, low downside risk. But even that target is a bit of a joke - it is the quality of the immigrant that matters to NZ and there i see little change so today being typical I met my Doctor (from Iran or Egypt) who is wonderful and I met his receptionist (from Russia) and I met supermarket checkout operators (Philippines & India) - each adds something to NZ but some are more useful than others, some pay more taxes than others, etc. - No offsetting losses from rental properties annoyed as heck, logged into my account yesterday and went to sell my MCY shares, and forgot my FIN. Border restrictions, disruptions to international travel, and capacity limits in managed isolation and quarantine facilities have monthly net migration estimates well below levels seen in previous years, he said. There are those who earn millions manging Fonterra paying oodles of tax and then going back home and then there are cleaners and checkout operators. Sure occassionally we need to give them a few pointers about our enviroment like how to look after their rentals in a high rainful country. Voters voted for precisely the opposite. Let's face it, our economy is predominantly made up of such low-value industries, so increasing the supply of low to mid skilled workers will have an adverse impact on our socioeconomic wellbeing. Chinese influx seems to be increasing in % of total terms also. Annual net migration in 2017 was … Net migration is the difference between the number of people who arrive in New Zealand to live and the number of people who leave to live in another country. NZ.Stat is a free web tool that allows you to: create tables from large datasets; customise the table by selecting the variables you want and changing the layout; view metadata alongside the table; download your table in Excel (up to 100,000 cells) or CSV format (up to a million cells). Just need to get another 323 Kiwis to leave. He is the guy holding up the "no" sign when asked about reducing immigration. They're not highly paid. Migration estimates for the most recent 16-months are provisional. Māori net migration was assumed to follow the same pattern as applied over the period 1982–1986 (ethnicity information was not collected on external migration cards after 1986). At this point is anyone surprised by their lack of follow-through? New Zealand Migrants The Newcomers – How Many and From Where? Is it really too high? - refugees are always welcome They have no mandate to run overall immigration volume this high. Annual net migration in the December 2017 year numbered 70,000, Stats NZ said today. Labour is a mess. - democracy has only one style -- the western style. Mandate is the key word. Kind of telling that National has more mistakes on your list than things Labour has actually achieved, isn't it? No strategy for housing We don't welcome abusive or defamatory comments and will de-register those repeatedly making such comments. On the ethnic mix side of things. It will happen and when it does, it will be fast but it won't happen for a while yet. Net migration levels steady | Stats NZ Net migration levels steady Annual net migration was provisionally estimated at 53,200 (± 900) in the year ended February 2019 compared with 51,500 in the previous year, Stats NZ said today. We are severely geographically isolated and small so can not trade in high value short supply chain goods that countries in dense population centres can. Between 2013 and 2018, the TA with the highest net migration to the Wairoa District (+15) was from Western Bay of Plenty District, whilst the highest net loss (-51) was to Napier City. Surely us landlords have to have something to thank the boys and girls in Wellington for. For more information visit about us page. Stats NZ estimates that in the year to July 2019 there was a net migration gain of 52,722 compared with 48,709 for the 12 months to July 2018. Glossary Infoshare: Connecting you to a wealth of information You can either Browse for data by category or use Search. Not doing so well with exports as similar small countries and exports have been declining faster than population growing. Load query. No commitment to sort out the Financial hub ( Auckland's) shocking road network Like Warren Buffet (albeit on a tiny scale ) I am sitting on my hands waiting for this correction , to pick up stocks art a decent price. Less Brits coming here and more returning! When the masses are all in, it's time to get out! Stats NZ estimates that in the year to July 2019 there was a net migration gain of 52,722 compared with 48,709 for the 12 months to July 2018. Lets have plenty of 'follow through'. Or if you already have some good compounding stocks bought reasonably, hold them (like Buffett) and take the expected hit, and buy a lot more as they become a buying opportunity! For most of the previous 140 years it … No improvement in health outcomes , even with budget increases No one seems remotely bothered (in Office that is) that NZ is quickly changing its cultural mix and no, the majority were not asked if they wanted this. However, annual net migration was still running higher than a year ago, a gain of 67,700, compared to 59,400. Wow now thats a big drop ............ is it for real or are they 'using a new measure " to calculate the numbers ? A free service provided by Statistics New Zealand to allow viewing our survey data. Why not select the good and reject those who compete with my Kiwi son for jobs? The Coalitions year of delivery is like a lot of courier deliveries.. on the way but never quite arrive in the scheduled timeframe. New Zealand’s net migration rate was 11.4 per 1,000 people in the year ended June 2019 (time period used for international comparability), reflecting annual net migration of about 56,000 for a population of about 4.9 million. But this is a silly target because no govt can plan for Kiwis returning or Kiwis leaving so it is a target that the Australian govt has more control over than we do. Voters absolutely "voted for precisely the opposite." Text alternative for Permanent and long-term migration, … One long continuous slide. Lots of people out there saying 'it wont happen' or 'it'll be slow'. or like mine you end up chasing after them relentlessly to get them to come, Migration gains remain strong with an estimated net 56,000 inflow for the year ended April. Me to. Download as Ogg; Download as MP3; Play Ogg in browser; Play MP3 in browser; Easter boosts overseas visitor … NZ.Stat … Stats NZ said for migrant arrivals in the July 2019 year, New Zealand citizens were the largest group with 35,000 arrivals. Lots of win. Find statistics that count and describe movements of people into and out of New Zealand (international migration), and within the country (internal migration). Felt this way - double that in 2015 ( 22 % ) -. Them on the way but never quite arrive in the PRC Select the good and those!, Finland, Poland, etc harrassment case is s shambles just need to get them to come to. Voted for precisely the opposite. use Search, from a provisional peak of in... Of incentive for business to innovate and evolve their products and practices due to Stats mis-estimation ) off a! Sexual harrassment case is s shambles born in the PRC would lose money i... Usa has imports/exports of about 26 % of GDP low 60 's, and quite a number of such,. 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