The minutes from that meeting state “Charter granted to Cornell Chapter” (Note: While it is only supposition, it is believed that the Founders chose to name their chapter and, therefore, all chapters to follow, after the school in which they had so much pride in hopes that some of the prestige of the school would “rub off” on their fraternity. After the war, Delta Chi saw its conference program expand and become more purposeful. From 1906 through 1912, Sullivan was county attorney for Erie County, New York. The badge that Barnes owned had gold letters and a diamond in the center. At Crandall’s funeral, Albert Sullard Barnes, another founder of Delta Chi, represented the fraternity as an honorary pallbearer. The fraternity hosts the Pharmacy Leadership & Education Institute for the purpose of advancing the leadership and educational missions of the fraternity. 7 | I will acknowledge that a clean and attractive environment is essential to both physical and mental health; therefore, I will do all in my power to see that the chapter property is safe, properly cleaned and maintained. In 1914 Johnson married Clara von Gonten of Tulsa. After graduating with the LL.B. To underscore the power and respect Coke had even at the time of his death, shortly before his passing, King Charles had all of Coke’s papers seized from his office to ensure none of his powerful writings would provide fuel for a popular revolution again the monarchy. Barnes died 17 July 1935 in Franklin, New York, at age 66 in the same house where he had been born. Chi Delta Chi. Whitney preferred to represent corporations and handled few criminal cases. On November 2, 1883, eleven men at the University of Michigan formed the fraternity as the Phi Chi Society. Standard size 2.25" round pin back style button. In his February 24, 1937 letter to the detective agency Shaffer said “Apparently Brother Gorham’s life was saddened by being divorced from his wife and, apparently, he has dropped out of existence as far as the fraternity is concerned.”. in 1893. One was the election of a Phi Delta Phi as the Law School Editor of the Cornell Daily Sun (the student newspaper) and the second was the election of the law school junior class president. Whitney also wrote to Bert H. Brower a Cornell lawyer in Gorham’s hometown of Canajoharie, New York. Alphonso worked at general farm work and obtained a meager education in a country school. During the debate over law vs. general membership, Sweetland supported the general side. After graduation, he formed a partnership with his father in an oil and gas business is Bolivar, New York. He returned to Cornell in 1893 to study civil engineering and hydrology for one year (1893-94). Soon after this change, the fraternity’s history was revised to recognize Crandall’s contribution. Up to that point, with only five executive officers to be elected by the convention, the older, more experienced and attractive personalities of the graduate double-fraternity men (who were usually the alumni delegates from the metropolitan law chapters) held the stage and the attention of the delegates during the two or three days of convention acquaintance. Adee served in World War II and died in 1978. Barnes married Katherine L. Hermans of Binghamton on 30 October 1895. degree from Cornell in 1889 and the LL.M. In further support of the profession of Pharmacy, in 1922 Phi Delta Chi was instrumental in the foundation of the Rho Chi International Honor Society for Pharmacy, also formed at Michigan. 5 | I will meet my financial obligations in a timely manner. [4]. After a brief illness, Watkins died in his Utica home on 25 December 1912 at age forty-two. The Founders, as students of the law, were greatly influenced by the writings of Sir Edward Coke. Coke is probably one of history’s greatest kept secrets. The campus chapters which had voluntarily refrained from such practice, though it was then still allowable, were agitating for a change in the constitution to prevent future initiation of such men. These six men, all members of the class of 1849 at Union College, were Abel Beach, Theodore B. In 1887 the Society, still consisting of a single chapter, was reorganized into a Greek letter fraternity, at which time symbols, signs, a ritual and regalia were adopted. Born Proud, Raised Proud. He also claimed sole credit for the design of the badge and for selecting the name “Delta Chi” because he liked the way the two words sounded together. Although Stillman remembers Tucker (who was a member of Delta Upsilon) coming to find out about Delta Chi, Wilkinson tells the story with more confidence: Wilkinson’s contention that the general fraternity wasn’t formed until later seems, at least in part, to be verified by the minutes of the April 15, and May 23, 1891, meetings. Looked to as a “spiritual founder,” his words and beliefs were reflected in many aspects of Delta Chi as the organization was forming. Up to this time the Fraternity was run by volunteers or part-time employees. Founded as a professional law fraternity, Delta Chi was initiating members of Delta Tau Delta, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Alpha Tau Omega and the other general fraternities. These three letters symbolize our English motto: Conception, Design, and Construction. At the time of his death he was President of the Board of Education and also served on the Library Board. Ten years later he was living in the Flathead area of Montana. This statement makes it appear the possibility exists he may have been heard from again since the 1913 and 10 or 15 years since we hear from him comment does not cover the span of time to 1937 when this discussion took place. The official motto of Phi Delta Chi is “Each needs the help of the other,” a message I wish more people would take to heart. Potter was the first “A” (chapter presiding officer) and the first “AA” (international presiding officer). Lot 29 (behind the mausoleum for the Elmer family). After attending public schools, he studied at the West Winfield Academy, graduating in 1889. Shortly after World War I, Whitney helped reorganize the Delta Chi alumni chapter in Rochester and was elected its president in 1919. Today the Regional Conferences play an important role in the affairs of the fraternity. Our sisterhood stands as the FIRST and ONLY Asian American Pacific Islander Interest sorority since February 8, 2007. While Attorney General he settled several long-running disputes between the state and corporate interests. In an article in the May 1929 Quarterly, White had this to say: April, 1903 saw the first issue of the Delta Chi Quarterly published for a fraternity of fourteen chapters and fewer than 3,000 alumni. On March 18, 1943, Gorham died of congestive heart failure at 62 Esmond Road Chinwich, Middlesex, England. Product Description. -2 Corinthians 3:18 (NKJV) Original Name. He was buried in the East Winfield cemetery located approximately 2 miles east of West Winfield. He was buried in Lot 28 Section 116 of the Rural Cemetery of Albany, Route 32/Broadway, Albany, NY. Effectively after the fact, Delta Chi established its Headquarters in Iowa City where it has stayed. Epilog: Stillman’s first wife, Mimmie, never remarried. Patton from the position of Executive Secretary which, while he was a professor of Law at Iowa, he had held part-time since 1929 on an official basis. After graduating with the LL.B. His handshake was a deal with him. Potter’s brother Horace was also initiated by the Cornell Chapter. An English barrister, judge and, later, opposition politician, Sir Edward Coke is considered to be the greatest jurist of the Elizabethan and Jacobean eras. Centennial celebrations in 1983 culminated with the dedication of a plaque at the University of Michigan School of Pharmacy, commemorating Phi Delta Chi's first 100 years of accomplishments. degree in 1891, Barnes joined a series of successful law firms in Binghamton, New York. He died on April 12, 1950 and she died on September 21, 1977 in Evanston, Illinois. Cornell University has no contact information of him as of 1926. According to family sources, she married Eugene W. Ibs. In 1908, Johnson moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma, at about the time the commercial oil and gas business began to develop in that area. The application for the funeral was made by Kathleen Forbes of Balls Park, Hertford. In an interview printed in the Quarterly in 1920, he argued that the fraternity was losing good men by maintaining the law restriction. Flame & Blue. Red and buff. A rehearsal was held on November 14, 1890, and on November 26, 1890, Albert T. Wilkinson (who later introduced Kimball to the Fraternity), Frank Bowman, and George Wilcox were initiated in short form. After graduating from the LeRoy Academic Institute (LeRoy, New York), he entered Cornell’s College of Law in 1889. Durham of Washington, DC) and Helen (Mrs. John W. Brownfield of Binghamton). All were dual membership chapters. The son of Willard C. and C.M. At the time Delta Chi was first conceived, men coming to college could begin law studies immediately upon entry to the University. After a brief illness, Sullivan died 26 October 1924 in Buffalo. Delta Chi’s first convention was held in 1894 at the Michigan Chapter. Operation R.U.B.Y is Delta Phi Chi Military Sorority's, membership-based, Military Child Initiative. It has been published regularly since that year. He is buried there in his family plot with his wife Majorie, his brother and parents. Starting with 78 chapters and colonies in 1980, the Fraternity celebrated at its Centennial Convention with 120 chapters and colonies on the rolls. in 1890. That caused Stillman to start “asking around.” It appears that what he found was a law school which was dominated by one small, closely knit group — Phi Delta Phi. In 1923 the old “XX” was abolished and replaced with an Executive Committee of seven. Stanton remarried and later died on April 14, 1975. There was additional work accomplished by Sweetland, John Milton Gorham and Stillman. Kappa Delta Chi Motto Button. O’Malley was also recognized for his debating skills. His father was Joseph W. Johnson, a pioneer in the oil and gas business in New York, and later Oklahoma. He, along with Sweetland, was a frequent guest of the Cornell chapter speaking at banquets and other functions. His daughter Dorothy is 24 in 1930 and lives with her mother and works as a clerk/electrical services. Since a committee on the Ritual composed of Stillman, Barnes, and Stephens was appointed on October 13, 1890, it seems probable that it was originally read at that meeting, and that Stillman was given some help in completing the Ritual. At one time it was a rock wall with ΔΧ on a scroll in the center and the hand of humanity reaching for the key of knowledge above the wall. The property is wholly owned by Delta Chi and houses the archives of the Fraternity and a staff of three directors, five traveling consultants and three clerical employees. 10 | I will sustain my commitment to and involvement with our fraternity throughout my lifetime. The design they developed involved the “marriage” or union of two “families” : that of Sir Edward Coke, one of the towering figures in the establishment of law as the instrument of justice; and that of the knight-errant, the feudal predecessor of law in enforcing justice, as symbolized by his weapons. In regards to the adoption of the constitution, Albert Sullard Barnes wrote the following in his 1907 Quarterly article: “As I recall it, after refreshing my recollection from the original minutes now in my possession, on the evening of October 13, 1890, six students in the Law School, brothers John M. Gorham, Thomas J. Sullivan, F. K. Stephens, A.D. Stillman and the writer, together with Myron Crandall and O. L. Potter, graduate students, and Monroe Sweetland, a former student in the Law School, met in a brother’s room and adopted the constitution and by-laws, and organized the Delta Chi Fraternity.”. The prime reason for denying his recognition seems to be the fact that the did not return to Ithaca in the fall of 1890, even though he was actively involved in the inception of the fraternity during the 1889-90 school year when it, at least on an informal basis, actually came into existence. 1951 saw the retirement of O.K. He was a Mason and had been Master of the local lodge. His death was reported on the front page of the local newspaper. Its first editor was Eli Lilly, during 1906-07. This action came shortly after WWII, when all fraternities were adjusting to the massive, and more diverse influx of new college-bound recipients of the G.I. The 1916 Delta Chi Directory listed Gorham as living in Orange N.J. and also in New York City as an automobile dealer. In March of 1909 Phi Chi Fraternity (Pharmacy) once again considered the matter of the name change, and at that meeting adopted the name Phi Delta Chi for the organization, an action that was ratified at its March 1910 meeting. His father mined for gold. During his year there he worked as a reporter and a bookkeeper. Peter Schermerhorn Johnson was born 11 December 1869 in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania. Mary Stillman purchased a flat tombstone for A.D. following the death of her husband Adee. In a letter to Johnson dated February 22, 1892, he stated: The debt which Delta Chi owes Tucker would appear to be larger than previously recognized. degree in 1889 and an LL.M. Everybody wanted it, some thought it was an unwarranted risk; no one had the slightest idea how to go about it. While the class officer elections and the Law School Editorship incidents may have provided the initial incentives for organization, it soon became clear that those involved were looking for much more. Carlisle planned to break up this habit. Challenging yourself to take a leadership role, to chair a committee, to be the point guard for the intramural basketball team, to tutor a younger member in Calculus, or to simply be a member who lives according to the values of the Ritual and the Eleven Basic Expectations all work to help develop your individual character. Their firm, Stillman & Pierce, was well known in Eastern Oregon. Sweetland further said that he submitted the design and drawing for the first badge which was made by Heggie, an Ithaca jeweler. Patton with the William J. Burns International Detective Agency Inc., which was headed by a Delta Chi alumnus Raymond Burns, to investigate the location of Gorham. He was frequently a guest of the Mother Chapter, speaking at initiation and Founder’s Day events. As a youth, he attended the public schools of West Winfield, Cooperstown High School, and finally the Utica Free Academy. After graduation he was admitted to the New York Bar. Buy In Bulk & Save: 1 - 23: 24+ $2.25 ea. Founder Watkins was the youngest of eight children and was reared on his parents’ farm in Otsego County. He also stated that Barnes may have “had something to do about it.” In the same letter he recounted enlisting George Hoxie, a student in the University, but not a law student, to help make a drawing of the Delta Chi badge that same summer. He had two brothers and one sister. This badge was worn by the Founders and frequently borrowed by the other members for special occasions, and while having their pictures taken. He offered his opinion that the law alumni would not support the fraternity if eligibility for membership should be broadened to include non-law men. This was confirmed in conversations with Barnes, Crandall and Thomas, but met with opposition from some of the remaining Founders. P: 463.207.7200 Staff Directory Over the next years he entered a series of successful partnerships; the most notable was a one-year partnership in 1895 with Albert T. Wilkerson, another early Delta Chi. In 1892 four more chapters were established, three of which exist today (the fourth — Albany Law School — had its charter transferred in 1901 to Union College; the Union Chapter existed until 1994). degree in 1891, he moved to Buffalo and joined a law firm there. Prior to that time he had effectively operated the central office since his election as “CC”. In 1888, he began his study of Law with Bailey & Balleray, reading for a year. From the spring semester of 1890 until October 13, 1890, there existed, in effect, a fraternity which had no chapters. Furthermore, Delta Chi has developed the Eleven Basic Expectations of each member, as a way to embody and employ these principle values. Without realizing the full significance of what it was starting, the Pennsylvania State Chapter in 1937 invited six chapters in neighboring states to meet with them. But with World War II and the temporary suspension of many chapter operations, much about the mechanics of the Regional Conferences was forgotten. “We, the members of The Delta Chi Fraternity, believing that great advantages are to be derived from a brotherhood of college and university men, appreciating that close association may promote friendship, develop character, advance justice, and assist in the acquisition of a sound education, do ordain and establish this Constitution”. He is buried in his wife’s, Katharine Heermans’ family plot. The Grand President, Grand Past President, and Executive Director serve ex officio on the PLEI board of directors. The Fraternity became co-educational in 1976 as a result of Title IX. Thomas David Watkins was active in community affairs, including the Y.M.C.A., the Presbyterian Church, and fraternal organizations including the Knights of Pythias. Expansion followed, with the establishment of fourteen chapters within the first 25 years. When O. K. Patton was elected “CC” in 1923 he put the records in one room of a downtown Iowa City building and hired one part-time secretary. Excellent in all learning, Divine & Hvmane, he remandded, that for His owne, this for His Counties Good, especially in the Knowledge and practice of the municiple lawes of this Kingdom. He is in Section 3. The arguments of “a man can be both a good Mason and a good Elk” and “no man can serve two masters” were heard time and time again. There seems to be no doubt that Barnes obtained the first badge (which he lost at a class reunion 25 years later) and that the second badge was made for Whitney but purchased by Sweetland. Certainly the most public and perhaps the best-known description of the purposes of Delta Chi, the Preamble‘s principle ideals offer profound potential as a guide to daily life as a brother. Relocating to Albany, New York, he worked for the commission on the revision of New York state law for five years before going into private practice. After a long illness Owen Lincoln Potter died in Albany on 11 May 1934; he was sixty-eight years of age. There is a small Park called Stillman Park that exists today and a permanent fund was established to maintain it. For several years they shared rooms on East Seneca Street in Ithaca. Community Service/Philanthropy: The V Foundation for Cancer Research, Special Olympics Wisconsin, Habitat for Humanity, and the St. Vincent DePaul Society. in the case of the class presidency, Alphonse Derwin Stillman had done some campaigning for a student named Irving G. Hubbard and was unaware of any effort being made in anyone else’s behalf. Write a review Sale price $ 18.00 Regular price $ 25.00 Add to Cart Share Share on Facebook Tweet Tweet on Twitter Pin it Pin on Pinterest. Stillman is credited with writing much of the fraternity’s ritual during the summer or early fall of 1890. His cremation certificate adds that his remains were scattered at the Garden of Remembrance at Mortlake Crematorium on March 25, 1943. The fraternity’s official colors are orange and black. More important, each conference is designed to accomplish specific purposes, including the development of new approaches to the solution of Fraternity problems; fostering a better understanding of the operation of the various programs of the general Fraternity and the Headquarters; promoting good will in university-fraternity relations; and bringing together large numbers of Delta Chis for information, inspiration, and plain good fun. ON SALE. The Hughes-O’Malley ticked won easily. During WWII it was reduced in size and published as The Communicator Junior. The flower is the red carnation. [2]. Owen Lincoln Potter, a founder of the Delta Chi Fraternity, was born in Ithaca, New York, on 21 June 1865. He married the local schoolteacher who was 15 years his junior, Effie Erickson, around 1910. He returned to Pendleton and in 1892 formed a partnership firstly with John C Leasure and after two years with W.M Pierce. Aged eighty-three years, Sweetland died 12 February 1944 in Ithaca and is buried with his Georgia at Willow Glen Cemetery, Dryden, NY. Crandall and Thomas spent weekends at the Crandall family farm hunting and fishing. On November 2, 1883, eleven men at the University of Michigan formed the fraternity as the Phi Chi Society. Information complied by Aaron Otto, Kansas State Alumnus. Founder Johnson attended grammar school at the academy in Claverack, New York. Since at least 1929, Delta Chi has recognized the following eleven men as the Founders of The Delta Chi Fraternity: Albert Sullard Barnes, Myron McKee Crandall, John Milton Gorham,Peter Schermerhorn Johnson, Edward Richard O’Malley, Owen Lincoln Potter, Alphonse Derwin Stillman, Thomas A. J. Sullivan, Monroe Marsh Sweetland, Thomas David Watkins, Frederick Moore Whitney. During the 1990 centennial convention held in Syracuse and Ithaca, many of those attending visited Sweetland’s grave and placed a wreath of white carnations there. His hobbies included trout fishing and all outdoor activities. * Delta Theta Tau — Sic itur ad astra! Delta Chi. This list has not always been the accepted one. He was buried in Fairport, NY at the St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Cemetery with his wife Mary who passed on almost 20 years before Thomas. The official publication of the Fraternity is The Communicator, first published nationally in 1906. It has been pointed out that the four most important words in the Preamble are not what most members assume: “Friendship”, “Character”, “Justice”, and “Education”. The conferences are the vehicle for the election of each Regent for a two-year term. He expressed his hope that the fraternity could find a way out of the conflict short of changing to a general fraternity. As a barrister he took part in several notable cases. In 1960, the Fraternity employed its first, full-time executive, Harold “Buc” Buchanan, Wisconsin ’35. In 1965, brothers from the Fraternity's Chi chapter helped establish Phi Lambda Sigma, a new national Pharmacy Leadership society, which like Rho Chi is an honor society within the field. Those Founders were: Albert Benjamin Prescott (1832–1905), then Dean of the College of Pharmacy at Michigan, encouraged the Founders in the formation of the society. Johnson contributed some of the secret work of the fraternity and penned the words to the song “Fovens Mater.” He is also credited with the design of one of the fraternity’s early symbols: the hand of humanity reaching for the key of knowledge, and the poem of explanation that accompanies the design. [4], In 1949, the Fraternity held an unusual mail-in ballot to consider and adopt a change to the Constitution to prohibit discrimination on the basis of race or religion. As a result of his academic record, Watkins entered Cornell law school on a total scholarship. Members and Visitors to the Delta Chi Fraternity website agree to abide by our Policies and Agreements. Qty. The coin will have the Greek letters and “Leaders in Pharmacy” on one side.
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